Tuesday 6 May 2008

living trees and dead wood

As I'm waiting for my space in the school to be cleaned out and equipment to arrive I'm making the most of the lovely weather and getting out to collect bits and bobs and take lots of photo's of the woodland nearby.
All around the inlet dead wood is washed up by the tide, small branches to huge trunks are left to dry and bleach in the spring sunshine - they look so skeletal.

what remains of a beaver dam

I would love to see a beaver but this is as close as i've got so far. I think they can be real pests for the locals though...I was told that someone lost a whole garden of fruit trees to them. Its really amazing to see the lines of gnawed off stumps they leave behind...they are like wee machines.

colour is starting to appear at the tips of the branches

Baby fish swim in the shade of the trees.

I think the berries are cranberries left over from winter but I'm not sure.

Well, I'm off to Sydney tommorow for the big medical...I'm getting a lift half-way from someone in Mabou and then meeting another car to go the other hour to Sydney.
Fingers crossed I don't have a terribly incurable disease…I have spent the past week poking around beaver holes.

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